Friday, July 26, 2013

Response to In to the Wilds

Christopher McCandless  was a very educated and passionate young men but it seemed that he was not happy about the rules and regulations of society and the school systems. He thought that civilization is like a poison to the truth . He was really against possessions of material things and before he made his journey to Alaska into the Wilds, he gave up his family,his car,his lifetime savings and his credit cards because he felt he belonged into the wilds rather than the city life.He enjoyed the physical work of survival in the wilds,and didn't want to sit behind all day.
It is sometimes difficult as  chris`s  young age  to know what once passion is let alone to get out and follow it,i admire what he did however chris had courage to chase his passion, he went to the extremes and scarified his life.Had he been more cautious and prepared with basic survival skills ,hiking gear and road maps, he would have been a living Legend and to been able to share his experiences.It`s great to follow your passion, but deliberate ignorance and lack of skill are not admirable.

Chris seemed to also have content for higher education. If chris had been as determined in his education as he was in his passion for nature and combined his education and his passion he would have succeeded in accomplishing his passion .For example ,he could have been a field researcher who studied animals in the wild and published his studies, he could have been a park ranger or entered many other professions that would have allowed him to live in nature.
Viewed from another prospective:
Chris was a spoiled and privileged person , he was provided with education ,materialistic support. He did n`t value and appreciate what society and his family offered him , he rejected it because he thought society and family were interfering with his passion. I understand his passion for mother nature because it is part of me as well.  But i will feel more proud of myself if i earn a higher education and i feel like i have earn the privileges i was given.Unfortunately chris didn't respect the fact that his parents worked hard to give him a comfortable middle class and a higher education.Instead he had contempt for his parents , especially his father , but his father had achieved more than chris did.

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