Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Andrade video Response

In the video Andrade starts with the Philosophy of life his mother once told him as a child as one can see the same glass half full or half empty .How you choose to answer the question is how you lead your life. This statement conveys strong message, that it is actually our perceptions that control our satisfaction nerve in our brains, that tells whether we believes our lives are full, or empty. The moral of the story is that it is up to each individual  which perspective he/she want to take. As the video continuances he talks about the role of bad influences that affect the minds of the young children in a place like East Oakland. It is human nature to live and learn from what is around us , when young children grow up in the neighborhood like in East Oakland they learn a criminal life style where killing one another  because that is what society taught them as children. Many drops out of school very young and join gangs.
He reminds me of the old saying that what you plant as a seed is what you grow as a plant. The seed represents the young kid and the plant represents the adult. The only way you can grow plants and expect them to grow and become fruitful is if you nurture it with proper soil,water and fertilizer; the same principles apply to young kids if you expect them to become responsible adults it is society`s responsibility to provide them with a good educational system,sports activity and a good social environment.That help them develop physically and mentally as better citizens. But in Oakland the young are fed everyday with crime,robbery and hate and when they grow as an adults many reflect that.
The three questions that i have are:
1) When are they going to clean thecrime in East oakland and especially end the killing.
2)Howcome Piedemont is a safer city and East Oakland is not and what does this imply about our elected leaders?
3) What is the history of crime and reasons for it in East Oakland.

1 comment:

  1. 1. More money is being put into the justice system and the California Department of corrections and no where near the same amount is being out into education and after school programs and summer programs for our youth which is really backwards because my thought is if we can reach the youth at a young age and give them a safe environment to learn and grow and be themselves then we will need less prisons and less money being put into the justice system i think thats what it will take to help rid East Oakland of crime.

    2. Piedmont is a safer "city" simply because there is more money in Piedmont and Oakland is 3 times the size of Piedmont if not more and has to spread it funding because there is not just east Oakland but West and North Oakland as well. I think this definitely reflects poorly on our leaders and as I said in the previous answer money is being out in the wrong places and lacking in the places it needs to be.

    3. Im not sure I know the "correct" answer to this question but "ghetto's" started back during the Holocaust and it was a sectioned off community for non jewish people the living conditions were poor and crime ridden. I feel like its the same idea here section off a portion of land for lower class the living conditions will be poor, crimes of necessity will begin to take place because the people living within the area are in need. Then people have to band together some kind of way which forms gangs and there you have a rough sketch of the birth of crime in urban area's in general.
