Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Deal Brakers

There are many deal breakers for people when it comes to college: My personal philosophy is that if i start something, no matter what i have to finish it , i will not have room for failure.
Issues that i faced while at chabot : I strongly believe that some of the professors at Chabot college have been here too long and it seems they have lost the passion for their subject or didn't have passion in the first place.  Including professor McFarland there are very passionate and helpful professors whose goal are  students success.When i first taking classes i was working full time and taking one class per semester; after a couple of semesters i decided to quit my job and become full time student. Unfortunately the professor of my class in Human Anatomy doesn't have passion she seems to be here to collect pay check . What a shame. The subject itself is pretty interesting and difficult in addition the student don't get the help they need. But soon enough before the drop off date i decided to drop this class and focus on the other class i had signed up for. It worked out perfect but in this process i learn that the first few days of class are critical in getting to know whether i have connection with the teaching method of the professor or not . It is even better to go to WWW.rate to evaluate  my professor before signing on to the class and read what students say about him/her..Even though there is biased information checking the web Page is helpful.

The other deal breaker i had were the counselors : My expectation of a counselors is that he/she guides you shows you the path you want to go ,and help you explore, in other words helps you think outside of the box. However, that is not what i experienced with most of the counselors here at chabot. With due to respect i sometimes don't see the difference between going to a counselor and car dealership sales persons because they both tell you this is what is available, take it or leave it. They don't even give you the opportunity to discuss what is on your mind ,Just like  Karina said in the passion project, "What `s that thing called when you put things on machines and it is just going like that  an assembly you are going through these classes to get on the same type of assembly like". It seems if you don't follow the assembly line you are not going to get the end product."Which in college is a degree" ,the counselors treat you the same way, like you are just a mechanical part of  process.

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