Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Key to sucess is to work hard .

Success is not something given to anyone; it is hard to achieve .success is accomplished through strong desire and dedication to achieving one`s goals and faith in oneself. Dedication to achieving one`s goals is the most effective way to achieve greatness. To thrive in life people should work hard and nobody should take success lightly. However, the driving force that creates dedication should be the desire to achieve something. There are a lot of factors associated with success such as educational background, cultural influence and family support but the key is to work continually towards success. It may be a difficult task to do but motivation to move forward and the willingness to overcome challenges is fueled by a passion for a particular field of endeared.
Family influence is an important factor in whether or not the kids become successful. Most young people form many of their attitudes about work and careers as result of interactions with the family. Family background provides the basic foundation up on which youth plan their future careers. However, within each family, the level of parental involvement can vary, offering both positive and negative influences. Almost everything that we learn as a child comes from parents and how reacts to our parents. We tend to follow in their footsteps, positive or negative. Growing up without a family makes many people feel lost and unable succeed. However, I do believe that family is not only place to look for guidance teachers, mentors and other adults who take an interest in us can also influence our decisions and careers. Personal responsibility is also a factor in achieving success. My personal goal is to achieving my educational goal .

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