When he said, "We are the future of this nation " he was referring to the young student like himself. He told her that she was just there to collect paycheck as she has mentioned in class earlier .How can the teaching process be? I believe what Jeff did in the class room is awake up call for schools in the nation .But it is up to us students to stand in solidarity with jeff ,let our voices be heard and get the broken educational system get fixed.
Students are tested either quarterly or per semester on what they have learned in class.Thus far they are graded based on what they have learned not on whether a teacher has taught in class or not. My question is, Is there any kind of measurement to check if a teacher has properly taught in class or not? There is no evaluation done once teachers get tenure; they are set for life unless they are stupid enough ; like the history teacher in the video, who admitted that she didn't care about teaching and was just there for the paycheck.
Jeff`s experience in high school is sometimes true in community college and in higher education system .My personal experience of this at Chabot was that, i had a professor who kept on complaining in class all the time about the students lack of knowledge and kept on giving assignment after assignment with out explaining why we were doing them and how to do them. In class he would give us problems to solve,but when we asked him how to do them , he would just say , "How come you are here with out knowing this?" This might have been appropriate if he had been teaching at UC Berkeley, but at community college there are all levels of knowledge and many people are just beginners at college level. Thus we faced difficulties in surviving the class which was more of self teaching. If the professor had been professional and taught the subject matter,we wouldn't have had so much difficulties learning in the class. If there had been evaluational process in place while at the college the irresponsible acts of the professor could have been stopped.